Sunday, November 14, 2010

OCD The Truth

Do you suffer with inappropriate thoughts, do you feel compelled to carry out rituals, do you experience thoughts of an aggressive, morbid or sexual nature.  If you do, you are probably experiencing OCD or Pure O. 
Obsessive thinking is perfectly normal. Does that shock you?  In the anxiety reaction, obsessive thinking is a vital element of our self defense mechanism. As soon as the flight or fight mechanism is activated, your mind becomes very focused on your physical environment in order to carry out a 'risk assessment' in order to understand what it is that you need to fight or flee from.

Your mind uses your senses to analyze everything that could present a threat; it does this by posing a series of 'what if thoughts'.
  • What if I drag the person from the burning car?
  • What if I fight the tiger?
  • What if I jump off the building?
Do you see how these are appropriate lines of questioning? But in anxiety conditions, because no real threat is present, the questioning focuses on other things in your environment as your mind searches for 'blame and cause'.

So the 'what if' questions ask...

What if I do xxxxx to my husband?
What if I don't wash my hands X times?
What if I don't check xX?
What if I kill X?
What if I do X to my children?
What if I am X (gay, a murderer, psychotic, etc)
What if I do X with that knife?

Do you see how this works?

So, driven by your high anxiety, these what if thought processes throw up 'risk assessment' questions that are inappropriate to the truth but appropriate to your anxiety.  Of course, you then become concerned by the thoughts, this sends your anxiety level up to a higher level and the thoughts get worse.  This cycle of anxiety causing symptoms causing anxiety is hard to break unless you know how.

We have helped over 125,000 people from around the world to permanently eliminate their high anxiety, OCD and phobias and know exactly what to say and do to help you to do the same.  My OCD focused on food and thoughts of a sexual and aggressive nature, but, in less than one week, they were gone when I put in place the techniques contained within my Linden Method program.

You can and will be anxiety free, that I assure you wholeheartedly.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Social Anxiety Disorder - Who Suffers From Them?

Social Anxiety Disorder involves overwhelming anxiety and unnecessary self consciousness in everyday social happenings.

People with social anxiety have a constant, intense and sometimes chronic fear of being watched and/or judged by other people and being embarrased and/or offended by their conduct. Their fear may be so severe that it is affecting with work or school and other normal activities. Many people with social anxiety disorder are anxious by writing or eating in front of others  and have constant ongoing fear of public identification or anything that attracts attention to them such as making speeches or reading out loud.

Although many people with anxiety recognize that their fear of being around people may be overdone and absurd, they are unable to eliminate or overcome it. They regularly worries for days or weeksin the forefront of a terrible situation  or event  and therefore prepare themselves  for, what they believe  to be,inevitable anxiety.

Social anxiety disorder can be limited to only one situation  - such as fear of speaking in a formal or informal situations, or eating, drinking or writing in front of others, or in its most  severe form may be so extensive that a person experiences symptoms almostat all times they are near other people.

Social anxiety disorder can be very debilitating  - it may even keep people from going to work or school on some days. Many people with social  anxiety  have a hard time  making and keeping friends.

 How common is Social Anxiety Disorder?

Very common indeed! In fact, it is my experience that most anxiety and panic sufferers demonstrate signs of social anxiety disorder too. Social anxiety disorder is more generally known in young people as they grow up and enter adult life.There is also a strong correlation between social anxiety and agoraphobia and sufferers find that the action of evading social situations creates an agoraphobic reaction to those locations.

Who does Social Anxiety Disorder affect?

Social anxiety disorder can disturb anyone of any age or sex. It is approximated that around seven million Americans have social anxiety disorder and this number is echoed around the planet.::BODYEND::
Learn How to Stop Social Anxiety Disorder Fast and Natural at

:Anxiety Disorder - What Is The Real Treatment?

Feeling of sudden fear is a normal and familiar emotional reaction to a threatening condition.Thought of anxiety,apprehension and unease affects just every one of us at somestage of a person's life's experiences. The degree and capacity of anxiety varies between men and women.

To some degree,brief and moderate anxiety caused by stressful events such as test,speech or meeting can be adjusted and knock over fast and without difficulty; and this anxiousness will eventually subside in due course. Nevertheless, to another extent,some people experience chronic and overwhelming fright, anxiety and worries that consume them for life. When the state of anxiety reached an excessive, intense and continued stage which affects one's common activities, it implies a potential inner state commonly labeled as 'anxiety disorder'.

Plenty of studies and interviews with people who have encountered symptoms associated with anxiety disorder reported that they feel depressed, unpleasant and stigmatized and are fearful of seeking help with their conditions. Anxiety disorder is not unusual among the common populations around the world and is a treatable medical condition and has proven successful in many cases where correct treatments and remedies are taken. It is a proper cause for treatment and should not view it as a weakness or instability of character.

With that said, delays in treatment can risk aggravation of anxiety disorder which in turn, will demonstrate itself into a relentless and nasty cycle of anxiety and discomfort for life.

Most conventional anxiety treatments draw in either therapy or drug-based. Drug-based anxiety treatments, being the most widespread treatment for instantaneous remedy, aim to eliminate the anxiety symptoms by changing body chemistry to lower the stress or anxiety levels. Anti-depressants and tranquillizers such as Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), Beta-blockers, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and Buspirones are few examples of these medicines. These medicines can be fast-acting for providing relief for anxiety but they are not a possible treatment for the long run. The main rationalization is that while medicines allow the patients to better deal with anxiety disorders and relieve those adverse effects felt by them, long term use may drive to over reliance on these drugs. Anxiety is a behavioural condition that is difficult, if not impossible, to be eliminated by using medicines.

Discover The Real Treatment For  Anxiety Disorder At

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Depersonalization and Derealization

Derealization and Depersonalization are both 'Dissociative disorders' and sufferers of one can experience the other.
First of all, understand this - Depersonalization and Derealization are completely normal symptoms of anxiety disorder. Although very disturbing at times, they are completely harmless, think of them as a daytime dream. They DO NOT mean that you have any other condition, a mental illness or that you are going mad - they are just more anxiety symptoms.


A change in an individuals self-awareness such that they feel detached from their own experience, with the self, the body and mind seeming alien.
Depersonalization is a symptom of an anxiety disorder and not a stand alone condition. How do we know this? Because depersonalization cannot exist without anxiety BUT anxiety can exist without depersonalization.
In each and every depersonalization sufferer that we have treated, as we have eliminated the anxiety, the depersonalization disappears completely.
Depersonalization is caused by a shift in the part of the brain that provides us with a 'real' awareness of our environment; this part of the brain is directly linked to the Amygdala, the organ in the brain responsible for anxiety.
Terms commonly used to describe the symptoms and sensations of Depersonalization:
  • unreal
  • disembodied
  • divorced from oneself
  • apart from everything
  • unattached
  • alone
  • strange
  • weird
  • foreign
  • unfamiliar
  • dead
  • puppet-like
  • robot-like
  • acting a part
  • 'like a lifeless
  • two dimensional
  • 'cardboard' figure
  • made of cotton-wool
  • having mechanical actions
  • remote
  • automated
  • a spectator
  • witnessing ones own actions as if in a film or on a TV program
  • not doing one's own thinking
  • observing the flow of ideas in the mind as independent.

A change in an individual's experience of the environment, where the world around him/her feels unreal and unfamiliar.
Unlike depersonalization which effects the perception of oneself, derealization is a change in an individual's experience of their environment, where the world around him/her feels unreal and unfamiliar.
Again, derealization, like depersonalization, is caused by a change in the way senses perceive our surroundings due to sensitized, anxious, nerve signals reaching the brain. Derealization is completely harmless but can be very disturbing. The more you give derealization credibility, the longer it stays with you. As anxiety levels are reduced, derealization disappears.
Terms commonly used to describe the symptoms and sensations of Derealization:
  • spaciness
  • like looking through a gray veil
  • a sensory fog
  • spaced-out
  • being trapped in a glass bell jar
  • in a goldfish bowl
  • behind glass
  • in a Disney-world dream state
  • withdrawn
  • feeling cut off or distant from the immediate surroundings
  • like being a spectator at some strange and meaningless game
  • objects appear diminished in size
  • flat
  • dream-like
  • cartoon-like
  • artificial; objects appear to be unsolid, to breathe, or to shimmer
  • "as if my head were inside a Coke bottle and I'm viewing the world through the thick glass at the bottom"

Whilst they are harmless, they are also quite disturbing, but can be eliminated very quickly using a method which addresses the cause of the anxiety imbalance at its root in the Amygdala. Reduction of the 'benchmark' anxiety level will produce a lessening and elimination of depersonalization and derealization and their symptoms.
The Linden Method has treated tens of thousands of people, the vast majority of which experience either depersonalization or derealization at some time.
The Linden Center is always available should you wish to discuss these, or any other, symptoms which concern you.
Discover how The Linden Method will eliminate Depersonalization and Derealization.

Chronic Anxiety

When I suffered with chronic anxiety, it undermined every element of my life. It caused havoc at work and at home and eventually I gave up work, declared bankruptcy and became a victim of the 'system'. I just gave up to start with, I found no help, no reassurance and definitely no solutions to my chronic anxiety levels. If I had known then, what I know now though, my chronic anxiety wouldn't have been as intrusive and it certainly wouldn't have destroyed a decade of my life and been the guiding force in every decision I made. Chronic anxiety doesn't have to rule your life... you can change all that quickly and simply... allow us to show you how.
When anxiety levels cause a constant state of high anxiety and/or panic attacks the condition is said to be chronic.

Chronic anxiety is usually a collection of anxiety symptoms which can include panic attacks, depressed thoughts, disturbing thoughts and symptoms, agoraphobia and mood swings to name but a few.
Chronic anxiety produces symptoms and situations which usually result in the sufferer restricting their life so much that their work, relationships and general enjoyment of life is radically compromised. The fun goes out of life and fear steps in, accompanied by symptoms of chronic anxiety like chest pains, racing heart and other anxiety disorder symptoms.

So what can you do about chronic anxiety?

It might not seem like it now but there is a lot you can do. Anxiety, whether chronic or mild is all caused and perpetuated by the same internal mechanism. Chronic anxiety isn't about mental illness, it's about a minute change in the way the brain handles anxiety provoking information.
There is a switch in everyone, called the Amygdala, a small almond shaped organ in the brain, which is a control switch for anxiety levels. This 'switch' is either 'anxiety ON' or 'anxiety OFF'; when the switch is off it can be activated only by real danger, when it becomes 'stuck on' it can produce anxiety symptoms which are scary and 'chronic'. You can switch off chronic anxiety. It's not difficult to do, you just need to understand how to do it and put it into practice.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Can Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Be Cured?

In a word... YES! Most definitely and most permanently. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an Anxiety Disorder symptom, and can, therefore, be eliminated by addressing the subconscious reaction which

causes and perpetuates the anxiety which fuels it. This sounds difficult, but it isn't.Many medical practitioners who are not really capable of understanding the underlying problems of OCD will most likely to misdiagnosed you. You will most likely be given drugs as medication to "cope" with OCD. The truth is that drugs will never be able to cure your problems. How can any kind of drug travel to the amygdala and "switched off" your high anxiety switch who is responsible for all your sufferings? It can never do that!

There is an internal 'anxiety switch' which is activated by anxious stimuli and it is by controlling and altering this reaction that OCD and the anxiety that fuels it can be permanently eliminated, very quickly and very permanently.

Direct Amygdala reprogramming –  Targets the Amygdalae directly. Reverses the formation of the anxiety response and replaces the inappropriate anxious response with appropriate responses to  permanently eliminate anxiety, panic, phobias and obsessive behaviors and  all of the physical and psychological manifestations of those conditions.

According to Charles Linden the founder of the Linden Method "In over a decade of treating Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) clients, we have never had one case where we have failed to undermine and remove the rituals and obsessions that they experience. If you remove the anxiety which fuels OCD, the obsessions and compulsions fade away quickly.

Who suffers from OCD?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) affects over 4 million Americans and  this figure is echoed across the world. OCD affects men and women equally and normally develops in younger people and children first. Approximately  1/3 of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder sufferers first experienced their  symptoms as a child. People with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder tend to avoid situations where there may be a chance of confronting their fears or obsessions. Avoidance techniques support the anxious behavior and often phobias  accompany the OCD behavior, such as agoraphobia or social phobia.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) sufferers find it very difficult to  maintain healthy relationships or to hold down a job because of the intrusive  and very visual nature of their conditions - often employers will find the visible symptoms difficult to work with and careers can be severely affected.

Read more about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Do You Need Evidence That You Will Be Cured?

Need evidence that you will be cured?

Well, here is an article I received from the man himself, Charles Linden the Founder of The Linden's Method explaining  everything in details.

"You, like I was once, are probably experience a vast, frustrating and constantly changing group of bodily sensations, call them symptoms if you like. You may also be experiencing unusual thoughts; these could be confusing, aggressive, sexual or just plain scary.
You may attach some of these thoughts and sensations to people or places, imagining doing things to people or yourself that, under normal circumstances, you would definitely never do. 
You may have thoughts that make you feel like you are becoming mentally ill, psychotic or delusional in some way, or maybe you have sexual thoughts about other people, young or old... inappropriate thoughts that revolt you. 
Maybe you have obsessive thoughts swimming around inside your head; these may or may not cause you to feel compelled to carry out rituals (OCD).
Maybe you believe that your thoughts cause symptoms... maybe you think your symptoms cause thoughts... maybe you just feel confused and frustrated that no one seems to have come up with a theory about what you are going through that is credible or believable.
At the start of this article, I said " them symptoms if you like" when I referred to your sensations and thoughts. Why did I say this? Please understand this fully.
Symptoms are the bodily reactions that occur as a result of illness.
Is laughing a symptom of happiness? No
Is crying a symptom of sadness? No
Is blushing a symptom of embarrassment? NoIs pain a symptom of injury? Yes
Is soreness a symptom of infection? Yes

Do you see the difference? OK, 'symptom' is just a word but its use when describing the sensations and thoughts of high anxiety is wrong!  High anxiety is a physical response.
This may shock you, but in the late 1800s psychologists by the name of William James and Carl Lange, the fathers of modern psychology, arrived at a conclusion about emotion, and more specifically about those emotions which also display physical manifestations.
Happiness = laughing, sadness = crying.
But - and here is the big 'but' -  what comes first... the emotional response or the symptoms?
Most people will say - "The emotion comes first always... then, the sensations (or symptoms) follow"
OK, you'd be justified to believe this, however, over the last 12 years of helping anxiety sufferers and recently through introduction to William James and Carl Lange (the two fathers of modern emotional psychology) through the Head of Psychology at a very well respected university, with whom I am currently working, I have discovered that my findings agree entirely with those of these two very eminent psychologists whose work forms the cornerstone of modern psychology.

The emotion of fear comes after the physical response.
I discovered a long time ago that when we encounter a threat in our environment, and the presence of that threat is fed back to the anxiety control center of the brain via our sensory organs, the physical reaction comes first; all of the physical reactions and thoughts, all caused by the release of hormones into the blood stream, which are the catalysts for preparatory changes in your body (circulation, digestion, respiration, etc.) precede how you think about the situation. 
Yes - the symptoms come first, the 'thoughts' follow!
Let's create a check list to prove this. This isn't a complete list of symptoms but it suffices for this experiment. Say you have a moment of high anxiety (or panic)... you experience:

  • Rapid heart beat, pounding heart or palpitations

  • Sweating

  • Shaking visibly or inside

  • Choking sensations or lump in throat (Globus Hystericus)

  • Smothering or shortness of breath sensations

  • Chest pain or discomfort

  • Nausea, bloating, indigestion or abdominal discomfort

  • Dizziness or unsteadiness

  • Feeling light-headed

  • Derealization (feeling unreal or dreamy)

  • Depersonalization (feeling outside yourself or like you don't exist)

  • Fear of losing control or going crazy

  • Paresthesias (numbness or tingling sensations) in face, extremities or body

  • Chills or hot flushes

  • Skin losing color

  • Blushing or skin blotches

  • Urgently needing to urinate or defecate

  • Inappropriate/Disturbed thoughts

  • Muscle pain, especially in neck or shoulders

  • Now, what I want you to do is imagine that you have the ability to go down this list of symptoms and in turn, cross them out But, at the same time, you erase them from your body completely.
    One by one, you stop those sensations (or symptoms) until they are all gone.  Now, what are you left with?  If you could erase all of these physical manifestations, would you be left with fear?
    Fear is the thought or notion that is created by your perception of the presence of the above physical manifestations. All of the above physical manifestations aren't the product of fear - they're the product of a release of hormones.
    Do you see where I am going with this? The point is that your whole anxiety condition is built on a foundation of hormone release caused by a 'false reading' of your environment - nothing more.
    Lange and James concluded that emotion, any emotion, is the manifestation of our interaction with our environment... a conclusion I came to myself many moons ago and have since written and spoken about many hundreds of times in my books, TV series, programs, DVDs and CDs.
    It is vital that you understand that because anxiety by its very nature is a reaction to your environment and not an 'emotional response'... more a safety precaution than an outburst of emotion... by changing your reaction to your environment, you can stop it from happening inappropriately completely.
    My recent and very long conversations with the head of psychology, Dr Francis Teeney of Queen's University, Belfast, brought us to a very happy conclusion... he has studied The Linden Method extensively and concluded that my Method really is in line with the findings of Lange and James and that it is clear that by implementing the process I outline in my program, you will, indeed, change your reaction to your environment that causes and perpetuates your anxiety condition.
    Finally a scientific, psychological and recognized reason why my method works 100% of the time and why the only reason for failure is not doing it.
    Having cured over 130,000 people using my Method, with a success rate of 100% amongst complying clients, this reinforces my beliefs and gives credibility to the thousands of testimonials I receive every year from people who have been cured using The Linden Method.
    No other program uses this method. No other program has the success we experience. No other program is underwritten and supported by specialist anxiety psychologists."

    Charles Linden
    The Linden Centers International

    Can Medication Cure Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

    Medication can't change the subconscious, anxious 'habit', which causes and perpetuates OCD. I have to be careful here though because I don't believe that OCD actually exists as a stand-alone condition! Why? Firstly, the word disorder implies illness... anxiety fueled obsessive behavior is not an illness... secondly, it doesn't require a name at all because it, just like a racing heart, upset stomach, chest tightness etc. is simply another anxiety SYMPTOM and not a stand alone condition.

    If you have OCD, you have 'high anxiety'... inappropriate, yes, an illness, no! That high anxiety is causing a change in thought and reasoning due to hormonal changes caused by the Fight or Flight response.

    Is this mental illness?
    No... it’s a perfectly normal but massively embellished version of NORMAL thoughts.

    If you felt happy all the time and went around laughing... people would think
    you were a little odd perhaps, but ILL, NO!
    So what's the difference?
    You have heightened fear... what's the difference between that and
    heightened happiness? NOTHING.

    They are both human emotions... both inappropriate and yet happiness isn't
    feared, so the 'symptoms' are ignored or enjoyed. Fear carries with it,
    unpleasant 'symptoms'... but why are they any more 'serious' than the happy
    symptoms? See where I am going with this?

    When you fall in love... a natural and logical reaction, yes?
    BUT, love is a form of what you would call OCD.. think about it! Obsessive,
    yes, compulsive, yes... disorder, NO! But it carries all the traits of OCD!
    So are we mentally ill when we are in love? No, no more than we are
    mentally or physically ill when we have obsessions and compulsions. OCD -
    pleasant, no. Illness, no. Curable, yes. With meds? NO!

    OCD is NOT a mental illness, it is a behavioral condition, there is
    a very BIG difference. Mental illnesses are clinical conditions which have a 'biological' basis (caused by chemical imbalance), anxiety disorders are caused by a 'resetting' of the'baseline' anxiety level; this happens through reinforcing the anxiety disorder by repetitive anxious behavior. There is NO other cause for OCD except that it is symptoms produced by high anxiety disorders, FACT!

    Check out this highly recommended cure for ocd

    So What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

    According to Mr Charles Linden a long time OCD and other high anxiety related symptoms survivor, OCD is caused by the ‘what if’ thoughts experienced in high anxiety becoming directed at things in your environment which MAY represent a  threat. When no REAL threat is present, your ‘what if’ thoughts focus on  health, tidiness, cleanliness, your family and other localized objects.

    “What if I do X to my family?”
    “What if I don’t wash my hands?”
    “What if I don’t turn the light on and off X times?”
    “What if I don’t check X?”

    All these thoughts are designed to analyze risk in order to take appropriate  action when REAL threat is present, but in high anxiety and OCD no REAL  risk or threat is present. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder symptom, NOT a stand-alone condition.


    Because OCD never exists without underlying high anxiety; take away your inappropriate anxiety and your obsessions will simply fade away. OCD is fueled by anxiety-driven 'what if' or 'catastrophic' thought processes which are stored like habit in the brain.

    If you have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), you may be plagued by persistent, unwelcome thoughts or images, or by the urgent need to engage in certain rituals in order to stave off anxiety. These Obsessive Compulsive Disorder rituals can be very fast to carry out, such as checking light switches
    or making sure you have turned off the stove, but many require large quantities of time and concentration.

    If the listed points below sounds familiar to you or maybe you are actually doing it right now, you could be an OCD sufferer;
    • You may be obsessed with germs or dirt, washing your hands, clothes,
    home or furniture repeatedly
    • You may be filled with doubt and feel the need to check things many
    times over
    • You may have frequent thoughts of violence, and fear that you will harm
    people close to you
    • You may spend long periods touching things or counting
    • You may be pre-occupied by order or symmetry
    • you may have persistent thoughts of performing sexual acts that are repugnant to you
    • You may be troubled by thoughts that oppose your religious beliefs.

    The disturbing thoughts or images are called obsessions, and the rituals that are performed to try to prevent or get rid of them are called compulsions. If the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder sufferer does not carry out the ritual that their subconscious mind wishes them to, the anxiety level can become overwhelming. Panic attacks and all of the associated anxiety symptoms, thoughts and sensations can ensue - and it is this which forces the sufferer to become a slave to their compulsions an  rituals in order to prevent an anxiety reaction.

    Even non-anxious people recognize some of the symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. 'Checking' behavior is common in non-sufferers, but  when this behavior becomes obsessive, the OCD sufferer can spend much of  their day checking the gas, the light switches or the locks. Some OCD  sufferers spend much of their day carrying out the rituals they have  developed which can be very intrusive and destructive for both themselves  and family members.

    Most OCD sufferers realize that what they do makes no real sense, but the  fear of the consequences of NOT doing it forces them to continue. There are  many OCD sufferers who are so entrenched in their behaviors and routines  that they seem oblivious to the fact that what they do is not what one would  call 'normal' behavior.

    If you want to learn more on how Charles Linden survive  his OCD and all other high anxiety symptoms, click OCD cure. It is the same method that I have taken to be free from OCD completely without medications.

    Anxious, Weird and Inappropriate Thoughts

    Flight or Fight Response

    Part of the Flight or Fight response is to produce 'what if' thought processes, creating mental scenarios based on the worst case outcome in order to calculate risk. Those thought processes ask, "What if I get to the car and it explodes? What if I can't lift the passenger out? What if the car tips over onto me?" All of this 'scenario building' assessing risk before the decisions are made. This scenario assumes that REAL risk is present.

    Now, transpose this same level of anxious response into your current life. You have high levels of anxiety where NO REAL threat is present! But the 'problem solving' 'scenario building' continues... it has to; it is part of the flight or fight mechanism! But, now there is no problem to be solved so these 'what if' thought processes work on the issues presented to it in your daily life, so it asks questions like:

    * What if there is something 'wrong' with me the medics are 'missing'?
    * What if I have a serious disease?
    * What if I lose consciousness?
    * What if I go mad?
    * What if I die?
    * What if something happens to a family member?
    * What if I harm someone I love?
    * What if I am gay?
    *What if I do this inappropriate thing (aggressive, sexual) to that person?
    * What if I... blah, blah, blah...

    Do you see where this is going?
    Every thought you have had since you have been anxious, has been the
    product of inappropriate 'what if thoughts' building anxiety fueled scenarios in your mind.

    Does this make sense?

    Some OCD sufferers have been saying:
    * I sometimes think about killing my kids
    * I sometimes think I am gay
    * I sometimes think about killing myself
    * I sometimes think about incest with my mother/father

    All these ‘subconscious, anxious scenarios’ are produced by the Fight or Flight respond, eagerly seeking out and questioning anything it can get its teeth into... creating 'what ifs' in your subconscious. So, when you start to think that 'perhaps there is something else wrong with me'... tell yourself that those thought processes are simply the product of the Fight or Flight response, disregard them in your decision making and move forward with positivity, KNOWING that you can become  anxiety free again.

    Useful Videos By Charles Linden

    Learn how you can cure your ocd and all high anxiety symptoms quickly.

    Sunday, October 3, 2010

    Know Your OCD and You Will Be Cured, Guaranteed!

    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is scary and bothersome. Many people suffered in silence, worrying that they may be labeled as weird or have some serious psychiatric problems.To make matters worse, doctors and the so called medical experts who doesn't really understand what OCD really is, often misdiagnosed their patients and giving the wrong advise at the same time.

    It is VITAL that you understand one overriding fact without question:


    Not physically, not mentally!

    I guarantee to you that no matter what you may have been told before,  this blog will demonstrate that without any doubt! I will also show you that you can quickly and permanently reverse  the formation of panic attacks, OCD, Agoraphobia and Phobias.

    I was an OCD sufferer myself and have been living with it from my early teens all the way until I met the cure by God's grace.The cure that I meant was by following the Linden's Method. So I know exactly how OCD can wreak havoc and disturbance to anyone who has it. But you are now not only going to discover the cure for OCD, but you are also going to learn the cure for all High Anxiety related symptoms e.g panic attack, agoraphobia, Social Anxiety Disorder etc.

    In this blog, I will share useful articles that you can read in order to understand fully what OCD and all other high anxiety disorder symptoms really are. After you get to know your OCD, I guarantee you are going to recover fully and can lead more meaningful life with your love ones.

    I have also prepared some useful videos and other related articles. So do take your time to go through all the resources in this blog and be educated about OCD and High Anxiety. This is important for you so that you will know what to do and what not to do and who to listen to and who you can ignore with regards to seeking permanent cure for your OCD.

    Remember, there are a lot of so called drugs and medications on the internet that claims to be able to cure OCD but as a matter of fact they are all useless and out to make money off a person like you!

    For more information on OCD and other high anxiety related symptoms, keep reading this blog and I promise you once you are more educated about OCD, you will be free from it and your life will be much more meaningful.

    Be brave and strong and you will soon be cured. God willing.

    For more information on OCD and other high anxiety related symptoms, keep reading